AUTHOR: Greg Shackles


FloatLabeledEntry: Renamed Project, Now Available on NuGet

Back in 2013 I blogged about a library I published called JVFloatSharp that provides a slick floating placeholder on iOS after you start typing into a text input: Outside of a few small bugfixes and upgrading to the unified API a few months back I really haven't needed to mess with it much, and have been successfully using it in many apps in the meantime. I'd always intended to make it available on NuGet, but I…

25 Episodes of Gone Mobile

We just hit the 25 episode mark on our Gone Mobile podcast, which seemed like as good a time as any for a quick retrospective. We published our first episode in September of 2013, not really knowing what would become of it or if anyone would actually listen, but knowing that we wanted to try. More importantly, there are so many amazing people in this community that we wanted a place to be able to showcase…

Building Context-Aware Apps with Beacons

Recently I've been giving some talks on building context-aware apps with beacons, so I just wanted to quickly publish my content around that in one place. If it's not immediately obvious, I think beacons and context-based technologies are seriously awesome. First, Carl and Richard were nice enough to invite me back on .NET Rocks! to talk about this stuff as well. You can find that episode over on their site, or in any of the usual…

Android's ActionBarActivity and the Hardware Back Button

In my last post I talked about one of the roadblocks I hit when upgrading to Android's new ActionBarActivity. That was definitely a major pain, but there's one other issue I've run into so far that I wanted to call attention to as well. This one didn't cost us nearly as much time as that last one did, but it was certainly unexpected. Our apps make use of a single activity and fragments for each separate…

Changing the Android Toolbar's Back Arrow Color

As part of updating our apps to use the latest Android support library to bring in some of the nice material design classes in there, we also started switching over to using a Toolbar as our action bar. If you're just getting started in making the same upgrades in your app I suggest starting with this excellent post on Xamarin's blog that outlines what you need to do. Getting things migrated was easy enough but we…