Introduction to MonoDroid: Slides, Code and Video

In the month of February I had the opportunity to speak to a lot of people about MonoDroid. Down in New Jersey I spoke to the NJDOTNET group, and then in New York I talked MonoDroid at the NYC Code Camp and the NYC ALT.NET group. The slides and sample code for everything has been available already in various places, so I wanted to put up a quick post to tie it all together in one spot. The ALT.NET talk was also recorded, so I’ll provide those videos here too.

First, I’d just like to thank anyone who came out to any of the sessions, especially those involved in organizing everything. I had a great time at each of them, and met a lot of awesome developers. I’ll also be delivering this talk in early April down at the Philly.NET Code Camp, so if you’re in the area, definitely come say hi!

So if you’re reading this, you probably just want to get at the content, so let’s get to it. All of my sample code is always available up on my GitHub account, and I keep it updated with each MonoDroid preview that gets released, to make sure the samples continue to work as the framework changes.

As I mentioned earlier, I was lucky enough to have my NYC ALT.NET talk recorded thanks to Alex Hung, so I can also make those available here. You can head over to the album on Vimeo to view them there.